Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Application Process

Ok! So this is extremely late, but I'm procrastinating on homework!

Applications came out on Monday, September 5th. I filled out out around 7:00 that night, and got the email about the Web-Based Interview about 2.5 hours later. For those of you that don't know, the Web-Based Interview is just that-an online interview. They ask you multiple choice questions, and a lot of Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree questions, and it's timed, so you only have like 20 seconds or so to answer each question. The WBI was really simple, and when it's over they give you immediate feedback about whether or not you passed.

After the WBI, you go to a website to schedule your phone interview. All of the Wednesday, September 7th time slots were already filled, so I chose 8:30 pm on Thursday, September 8th. My interviewer called at 8:29 pm, and we talked for about 15 minutes. She asked me questions like why I want to work for Disney, whether I work better in a fast or slow paced environment, in a group or individually, if I had any work experience other than what was on my application, what my top 2 choices were, if I had ever lived with other people before, and how I deal with repetitive work. She was really great, and I felt really good about the interview! The next morning I got an email thanking me for my phone interview and letting me know that I should hear something in 3-4 weeks!

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